Our general terms and conditions are binding with the sending of your order.

Prices and shipping costs

The prices are inclusive of statutory value added tax. The shipping costs depend on the quantity of goods ordered and the shipping method and will be clearly communicated to you before you submit your binding order.

We work only on our terms and conditions below, which you accept by ordering the goods from this store.


Orders for goods and services are accepted by us via the Internet. The risk of an unaccountable, erroneous transmission lies with the customer. In order to process goods and services of an order, we need to store your data. We assure their strictly confidential treatment, in particular their non-disclosure to third parties not involved in the execution of the order.

Order process

When you have found the product you want, you can add it to the shopping cart without obligation by clicking the button of the same name. You can view the contents of the shopping cart at any time without obligation by clicking on the link ‘Shopping cart’. You can remove the products from the shopping cart at any time by clicking on the trash. If you want to buy the products in the shopping cart, you must first select a payment method and agree to our terms and conditions. then click on the ‘Done, checkout’ button. You will then be asked to enter your personal data. Before submitting the order, you will see once again the data you entered and have the opportunity to correct it by clicking the button ‘Back’. You can cancel the order process at any time by closing the browser window or by clicking the button ‘Send order’.

Conclusion of contract

Contract language is German. The presentation of the products in the online store does not constitute a legally binding offer, but a non-binding online catalog. After entering your personal data and by clicking the button ‘Send order’ in the final step of the ordering process, you place a binding order for the goods contained in the shopping cart. The confirmation of receipt of the order follows immediately after sending the order. The purchase contract is concluded with our separate order confirmation or delivery of the goods.

Contract text storage

The contract text will be saved and sent to you by email. You can still view the general terms and conditions of the contract at any time on the ‘GTC’ page and save them on your computer.

Retention of title

The delivered goods remain our property until full payment. As long as our property exists, resale against payment or free of charge, pledging, transfer of possession or surrender of possession is not permitted. If, contrary to this agreement, the purchaser resells our goods in whole or in part against payment, then the purchase price claims acquired by the purchaser shall be transferred to us in the amount of our respective outstanding claims. In the event of foreclosure on the relevant property in which our goods are located or on the goods themselves or on the claims assigned to us, the customer shall notify us immediately and provide the relevant information.

Payment methods

The invoice amount is paid either in advance, cash on delivery or Paypal. You will receive further details when selecting the respective payment method in the order process. Unfortunately, other payment methods are not possible. Of course, you can also pick up the goods if available in our store in person!


Subject to immediate availability of the goods, we deliver as soon as possible by DHL, by mail or by freight forwarding (for bulky goods). Please refer to the product description for estimated delivery time. We are entitled to make partial deliveries. We shall not be liable for compliance with delivery dates unless we have confirmed such a date in writing. In the latter case, our obligation to provide compensation shall be limited to taking back goods delivered late free of charge. In case of unavailability of the service, we reserve the right to withdraw from the contract. We undertake to inform the customer of this immediately and to reimburse any consideration already paid without delay.

Info: The above terms and conditions apply only to private customers, not to traders.