Hotel SPA Loungers. INFRAROUS LIES for wellness areas
NEW at SOLEUM®: HEATED LIES for hotel SPA’s, private wellness areas and living rooms
Hotel SPA couches in stunning design and functionality. The new exclusive infrared heat recliners with adjustable temperature are functional works of art suitable for any environment.
Unique heated loungers that provide comfort and style in any environment.
A complete range of these loungers is available to match any interior style. Whether tiled heated loungers, heated loungers made of CONCRETE or micro-cement coating, marble heated loungers or infrared loungers with large format tiles, you can obtain all exclusive heated wellness loungers for your wellness area from us.
However, the loungers not only make a good impression in the hotel SPA area but are also perfect for upscale hotel suites. Impress the guest and give the luxury suite an extra “upgrade”.

Tiled Hotel SPA loungers with luxury glass mosaic from SICIC® only at SOLEUM®.
Tiled heated loungers are produced at SOLEUM according to the customer’s or architect’s choice. For this we prefer to use the noble glass mosaic collection of SICIS®. The luxury glass mosaics are laid by us in color-coordinated EPOXY resin grout!
The side surfaces can be covered with stone slabs or large format tiles. In the example of our exclusive RED ROSE wellness couch, a white seamless micro-cement was used on the sides.

Here you can see our GEfliesten heat couches
Whether private SPA, private living area or luxury hotel industry
Each of our couches is elaborately handcrafted in our manufactory according to your color and material design. Configure our heated spa beds to fit your SPA project.
Für die gehobene Wellnessbereiche bieten wir Betonliegen (Betonoptik) oder hochwertige geflieste Liegen im Gesamtkonzept an
Mit einer optisch ansprechenden Feuerbox machen die Beton(optik)liegen mit der dimmbaren LED Beleuchtung einen guten Auftritt. Beeindruckend stehen Sie im Raum und laden nicht nur die Blicke zu sich ein. Fühlen, Sitzen und Hinlegen ist hier angesagt und erwünscht!
Beheizte Liegen aus Beton-Beschichtung (Mikrozement)
Wir produzieren Betonliegen mit einer Schichtdicke von nur 3mm! Dadurch haben diese lediglich ein Gewicht von nur ca. 70kg!
Wir geben diesem Möbelstück durch die händische Beschichtung von Mikrozement eine tolle Betonoptik. Individuell nach Verarbeiter und Muster ergeben sich individuelle Strukturen. Verschiedene Farben sind hier möglich.

We offer OVERLAYs at the couch. An overlay is an additional coating with a design element. This can be a hotel logo or a corporate logo – commercial or private branding.

We give the couch a great concrete look by hand coating micro cement. Individual structures result according to the processor and pattern.
For LUXURY SPA areas…..
elegance and luxury
Luxury warming couch
The Flying Carpet is a luxurious tiled heated lounger from SOLEUM®. Exclusive glass mosaic and a gold coating with overlay on the side.
An elegant eye-catcher in oriental style. Due to the lounger architecture with a gentle swing, the lounger fits into any luxurious wellness and sauna environment. However, it is also an exclusive piece of furniture and finds your place also in living rooms, lofts, foyers or even in corporate buildings for power napping.
Heated infrared CONCRETE FLOORS
Purist – white concrete
A heated lounger with a difference. The sober white microcement on this wellness lounger is purist and elegant.
With the grace of a pearl and the innocent white of the snowflake, it stands out noticeably from other designs.
When you touch the surface, the first admiration sets in.
The coolness on the outside should not tempt you to think that this beautiful specimen will not pamper you with pleasant warmth on the inside.
You can adjust the desired temperature yourself and relax on it and make room for your dreams.
Option “Snowflakes”: The finest craftsmanship adorn this model.
The infrared radiation of the heat couch has an effect on health, just like sun radiation does. The radiation can promote blood circulation, help with colds as well as tension or rheumatism and help with skin problems. Set a temperature that you find comfortable (slightly above blood temperature). However, the setting can be made in a very wide range of 30-45°C. A good standard value is about 37°C.
A handmade couch in concrete look white, which always integrates neutrally into any room concept.
WOODON – our heated CHALET wellness couch
A feeling of being close to nature is what they feel when they relax on our special kind of warming couch. Warm oak wood encases the heated infrared couch and on the surface you warm yourself on seamless concrete.
The finest craftsmanship characterizes our product.
Surrender yourself to a deceleration of the extra class.
Whether in the private or hotel area, our heated wellness lounger can take root anywhere due to its natural nature.
Perfectly fits into luxury chalets, hotel rooms in country style, but of course also in the rustic wellness area.
More about WOODON wellness couchOVERVIEW - Video of all SOLEUM® heated couches
SOLEUM was founded in Austria and is an Austrian innovator with over 20 years of experience in developing and manufacturing high quality spa solutions. The company offers a unique blend of modern technology and traditional healing concepts, specializing in the manufacture of luxurious heated loungers and innovative saunas for discerning clients, luxury hotels and upscale spa facilities around the world.
Soleum is known for its custom designs and pre-assembled units (BAUSÄTZE) tailored to individual needs and can deliver worldwide.
You have the possibility to purchase the necessary components (SPA MODULE) for a steam bath as well as the sophisticated technology from us or have a pre-produced cabin made to measure delivered or also assembled by us (at a certain distance).